National Seminar on Livelihood Challenges of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in India: Emerging Issues

  Insititute of Development Studies Jaipur

  Mar 28 to 29 Mar,2017

The Seminar Theme and Objectives
The uphill task that the country encounters in the 21st century is not only the revival of sustainable economic growth but its inclusiveness as well. A socially justifiable distribution of the fruits of development is imperative for the sustenance of democratic fabric of the country. Drastic fall in the elasticity of employment from 0.52 during 1970s and 1980s to 0.04 in the early period of the 21st century did impact differently on the source of livelihood of different social groups. It calls for a close perusal. Although the decline in the share of workforce engaged in agriculture is an appreciable trend, the extent of the shift of Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste population from the crop production and animal husbandry sectors, the quality of their employment, traditional skill of the labour demanded, programmes and policies for the skill development of the fragile segment of the population who reproduce in the outer boundaries of the mainstream production relations and related issues demand immediate attention and redressal. Notwithstanding the much acclaimed association between reported growth in real wages and reduction in poverty, substantial rise in the rate of unemployment in rural India needs to be viewed seriously as the vulnerable social groups rely primarily on the informal sector wherein regulations on capital is seldom followed. As accessibility to health and education in the private sector is driven by the ability to pay for, the socially and economically fragile sections find their basic right to health and education at risk. The question of land distribution, land rights and state’s intervention to ensure adequate infrastructure through public investment assumes special significance in the above context. The paradigm shift to couple welfare schemes with a Universal Basic Income (UBI) will be distinctive from the present if the system ensures the right to every individual to earn for her basic needs. It is pertinent to deliberate on the implementation of the mode of assuring UBI to the socially and geographically disadvantageous groups, particularly in the context of high growth with less labour absorption compounded further by displacement of the vulnerable from their source of livelihood. Further, the discourse on environmentalism and STs and various forms of resistance of STs to air and water pollution, land encroachment and a set of associated issues need to be reviewed from the stand points of the vulnerable social groups. The debate on the livelihood of STs and SCs and its theoretical roots which traverses from isolation-integration-assimilation theory in the 1940s, isolated identities in the 1990s and further onto the shift in the focus of the state apparatus from what is to be done for Adivasis to what Advasis want to be done in the 21st century, has to be traversed and debated. It may be reviewed in the broader context of the vigorous resistance movements of the vulnerable sections in the society. Against the backdrop, the two day national seminar on SCs and STs is intended to address the issues and challenges of survival of the socially vulnerable groups from theoretical and empirical perspectives transcending disciplinary boundaries. Given the setting, the Two Day National Seminar on Livelihood Challenges of SCs and STs will focus on the following objectives: To identify major challenges of livelihood of vulnerable social groups and review the programmes and schemes implemented for SCs and STs in India and in different states from the perspectives of the target groups. Further, to suggest measures to overcome the vulnerabilities and mitigate livelihood hardships.

Sub-Themes for the seminar

  1. Employment and livelihood of SCs and STs
  2. Violence & atrocities against SCs & STs
  3. Poverty, inequality and vulnerable social groups
  4. Status of health and education of vulnerable social groups
  5. State intervention in SCs and STs & Policy responses
  6. Local self governments and empowerment of vulnerable
    Resource curse, deforestation and survival challenges of STs
    Special Session on SCs and STs in Rajasthan

Venue and Important Dates

Venue:  Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Important dates :

Abstract submission 17th March 2017

Communication on acceptance of abstract: 20th March 2017

Final Paper submission: 25th March 2017

Authors of accepted papers will be paid a token honorarium. Air fair will be reimbursed to (shortest route) to outstation candidates. Local hospitality is available on one paper-one author basis.
For any enquiry related to the seminar, write to: ;
mobile: 9462065620; 9829067476

For any other details visit